Well, so much for keeping up on the regular posting. I realized though, that if I'm going to have links to this jawn out in the webosphere, then there ought to be something to read on it. Today I think I'm just going to go with some updates....interesting things I've found/seen/heard/done recently.
1. Aside from finishing my thesis....
...I've been trying to keep up with writing projects. As such, be sure to catch the August edition of Pork and Mead Magazine for a) the cover story (by yours truly) on artist Matt Gordon b) a few other arts features and c) interviews with Jeremiah Fraites of The Lumineers and Joe Michelini of River City Extension, as well as reviews of their latest albums.
2. Philadelphia is really an awesome town. Just when you think you know all there is to know about it, you remember how ridiculous you were to think that. Like today, for example, when I stumbled upon Nic Esposito and his projects, including The Head and the Hand Press. Which brings me to...
4. Same topic. Sorry. Not sorry. Fritz Haeg and "Edible Estates".
5. Different topic, and I'll leave you with this:
I remember this city
as I remember the feel
of your flesh like a peach
in summer; there is no better thing.
But you and the city have changed
without me
here to traipse along
the wide avenues,
through the covered market,
down by the canal where I dreamt
that I caught a fish too big
to reel, too real. The ghetto and you
coughed into new skin, familiar
but not recognizable, or is it
the other way around?
I could say I don't know
which of you I missed more,
but that would be an easy lie